Saturday, March 04, 2006

a dreaded sunny day

a dreaded sunny day

you lookin at me?

you lookin at me?

Friday, March 03, 2006

pt cruiser grill

pt cruiser grill

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

pretty bird

pretty bird

Talk about a bird's eye view!
(har, har, har...)

the champ

the champ

on the hill

on the hill

doors four

doors four

rail revisited

rail revisited

A creation of the Holga on 120 film. I couldn't believe how sharply this developed!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

winter morning

winter morning

whoa nelly!

whoa nelly!

it was really windy

it was really windy

it was really windy bw

it was really windy bw

on the farm

on the farm

i'll huff, and i'll puff...

i'll huff, and i'll puff...